Explore life or yourself, to find that hidden friend - who cares about you the most. People generally say not to expect, because we all belong to Humankind and so we possess feelings. Not expecting will make us hopeless and careless. Because " The emotions we ignore, at last, persist. " So, we should Expect - Expect a new gift, from our choice every day from this universe that brights up our day. Take essence of flowers and environment. Feel good and thank god for whatever you have at that moment, take a re-birth every day and become wiser. Think like that. If you certainly don't have anything at this moment - whether it be a friend, job etc. that is just because of your own choice. So you cannot play a blame game certainly every time. You need to be happy and move on. But at that moment just realize. Sit and reorganize, don't feel bad and write for whatever you wanted any situation to be. An...